
Jesus the Great Philosopher: Rediscovering the Wisdom Needed for the Good Life is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many of us tend to live as though Jesus represents the “spiritual part” of our lives. We don’t clearly see how he relates to the rest of our experiences, desires, and habits. How can Jesus, the Bible, and Christianity become more than a compartmentalized part of our lives? Highly regarded New Testament scholar and popular teacher Jonathan Pennington argues that we need to recover the lost...

stories, when standing before emperors and governors, Christians have long talked about Jesus as a philosopher and Christianity as the true philosophy of life. Christianity is not just a set of doctrines but a divine whole-life philosophy worth dying for, if need be. But something has changed. Something has been lost. If we were to conduct a Jimmy Fallon—esque “Word on the Street” interview today, I doubt many, if any, would offer that Christianity is a philosophy and that Jesus is a philosopher.
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